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Writer's pictureTodd Waller

Splunk Deployment Server Cluster Might Be Your Solution

Recently we ran into an issue where our existing Deployment Server was becoming overburdened with too many enpoints checking in too frequently causing the UI to become slow and tedious to use. We decided to split the load across a total of 3 servers, based on our endpoint count. Assuming we could put a VIP and a load balancer in front of the cluster.

Honestly this was all hypothetical as this functionality is only eluded to in the serverclass confgiuration file.

We built and tested out this functionality, that is really only eluded to in configuration files.

There are a few "gotchas" that we found but its pretty ok otherwise.

The setup is pretty simple. VIP set to a URL with a load balancer with 3 servers.

So get the VIP created and the DNS configured(Will elaborate on this later). For our example the VIP is So when the endpoints/UFs connect to that VIP, they get load balanced across our 3 Deployment Servers:,,

Once you verify connections and DNS things are working as expected we can move on to adding the actual configs.

Additionally, we had a deployment server we were already using that we had existing apps and cofngiurations for, as well as serverclass configs that we wanted to make sure stayed.

To start was our original server. We added 2 new ones, and and left Splunk OFF. is going to be our Parent Deployment Server and and will be our Child Deployment Servers.

We copied the existing serverclass.conf from to and in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/

on the Parent Deployment Server, in the serverclass.conf file we added this to the top:


crossServerChecksum = true



restartSplunkd = false

stateOnClient = noop

whitelist.0 = 192.3.3.*


restartSplunkd = false

stateOnClient = noop

On the Child Deployment Servers we only added this in the serverclass.conf file: [global]

crossServerChecksum = true

We also created a deploymentclient.conf to point the Child Deployment Servers back to the Parent:


repositoryLocation = /opt/splunk/etc/deployment-apps

serverRepositoryLocationPolicy = rejectAlways

phoneHomeIntervalInSecs = 30


# Change the targetUri

targetUri =

Next we started Splunk back up on the new servers and reloaded all serverclasses on the Parent.

All apps are now in the deployment-apps directory of the Children and, throetically, all deployment app changes made in the Parent will replicate to the Children.

Lessons Learned!!!!

  • serverclass.conf does not replicate, so when changes are made to serevrclass.conf(i.e new app added to serverclass, hosts in serverclass are updated etc.) the file must scp'd to the Children and added to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/

  • Replication of apps, at times, seems slow or unreliable

  • Editing serverclass.conf is easier on the command line as opposed to working in the UI

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